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4 weeks ago

Ensuring Organizational Resilience Amid the 2024 US Elections: Comprehensive Strategies from Sigma7

Prepare for and mitigate risks associated with the 2024 US elections.

Public disorder incidents and the potential for violence associated with controversial elections often have warning indicators which allow well prepared organizations to predict – with a fair degree of accuracy – likely hot spots where public gatherings may occur which could lead to incidents of sporadic or protracted civil disorder.

Sigma7 combines our wide range of proven standards-aligned and accredited capabilities to provide a uniquely integrated solution for the upcoming United States elections in 2024. Our goal is to support organizations to effectively prepare for and prevent potential risks to people, facilities, assets, information, operations, and the organization’s wider reputation; as well as be able to react in a timely manner to potential outbreaks of violence.

Our approach evaluates the risks, establishes realistic contingency measures, develops structured and just-in-time knowledge and skills across multiple learner groups, exercises executive and site leadership teams against potential crisis scenarios, and helps organizations to recover quickly following an incident.

Risk Consulting

Our risk consulting team can help you identify the areas of greatest risk exposure and determine the potential risks to people, facilities, assets, information, and operations.

Our experts will look at critical stakeholder and vendor dependencies and the implications of a public gathering or civil disorder event in terms of your people at work – in transit – attending a rally – engaged in social activities – or at home; and how your operations, and the operations of those you are dependent on, may be impacted.

Our team can develop a Risk Register and Treatment Plan which will define realistic and meaningful risk control and recovery measures which can be taken before the period of risk before, during and following the election.

Business Continuity and Emergency Management Plans

Our team provides off-the-shelf and tailorable organizational Business Continuity Plans which help executive leaders to prepare and prevent, respond to and manage, and transition and recover from incidents of civil disorder.

In parallel to the organizational resilience and business continuity approach we also develop complementary site Emergency Action Plans which allow local management teams to effectively plan for and react to potential outbreaks of violence in a confident, focused, and structured manner. Our document systems can be personalized and are aligned to ISO and BSI standards.

Threat Tracking and Alerts

Our Intelligence Fusion analyst team and proprietary software platform can track emerging or current public gatherings and outbreaks of incidents such as violent crimes and visually present these hot spots to enable effective planning and emergency responses. Analysis and incident grading allows decisions to be made quickly and with confidence.

We can send out alerts of emerging threats to activate the local incident and wider organizational crisis response procedures.

In addition, over 1.2 million historical incidents can provide valuable context and aid with planning and risk mitigation strategies.

Leadership Training and Exercising

Our micro-learning program for executive leaders specifically addresses civil disorder threats to enable knowledge-led decision-making before, during, and after the elections; and we address a wide range of associated topics such as active shooter and armed aggressor threats, bomb threats, and injuries and mass casualty incidents.

At the site level, we offer supportive operational and tactical level training on civil disorder, facility lockdowns, emergency verbal reporting, situation reports, stakeholder engagement, and related topics to build awareness, confidence, and effectiveness at the local level.

We also provide crisis and incident exercise tabletop simulations which allow leaders at both levels to pre-test their resilience and recovery strategies against realistic scenarios to identify gaps, weaknesses, and areas for improvement ahead of the elections.

In addition, we offer videogame exercises for staff on how to avoid potentially volatile public gatherings, develop safety and security awareness when attending a rally or demonstration, and how to respond if caught in a violent public gathering. This provides self-awareness and self-help skills for those at greatest risk, or for all organizational staff. We can provide structured learning ahead of the elections, or where threat triggers are activated.

Embedded or Rapidly Deployable Security Advisors

Our team can augment local management capacity and skills through short-term or rapidly deployed security advisors who can work at the executive or site levels to advise management teams, or in extremis, act as a technical lead and bridging mechanism across leadership teams.

Financial Recovery and Claims Support

While you can reduce, mitigate and prepare for your key organizational risks, the unexpected still happens. When it does, our forensic accounting team can offer support and guidance identifying, quantifying and communicating business interruption exposures, claims, and other economic damages. In recent years we have seen more of this kind of support being required as stores take precautionary measures and board up their shop fronts to protect themselves against political unrest in areas attracting protests and demonstrations.

Register for our webinar to explore solutions to aid with effective resilience planning for the 2024 United States elections.


Author: Kelly Frey


Introducing Sigma7. We are building a new kind of risk services platform to enhance value for the world’s most prominent and complex businesses. Our mission is to help organizations create competitive advantage through actionable risk insights and business outcomes. We work globally across risk domains, apply modern technologies, and integrate the services of respected specialist brands in risk services.

We provide executive-level attention from preeminent risk experts, connecting risk profiles to the organization’s strategy and tactical operations.

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