Risk Engineering Resource

At Sigma7 we support your operations no matter the industry or challenge.

Below you will find resources and brochures associated with Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering services. All files are PDFs that can be shared and downloaded as needed.

Industry Brochures

  • Chemical Industry Brochure

    Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering services the chemical industry through a specialist team of chemical engineers with an average of 25+ years of experience both in the chemical industry and chemical risk engineering field worldwide.

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  • Construction Industry Brochure

    At Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering, we understand that each project presents its own challenges, which is why our solutions are designed to support you across all facets of the built environment, no matter the geography.

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  • Mining Industry

    Paragon Risk Engineering’s dedicated mining team provides specialist risk engineering services for mine operators and insurance company clients.

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  • Molten Materials Brochure

    Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering has the expertise and knowledge to assess and help mitigate the critical hazards and potential exposures applicable to molten materials operations from primary to finishing operations.

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  • Life Science Brochure

    Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering services the life science industry around the world through a specialist team of chemical and tradition risk engineers with an average of 25+ years of experience.

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  • Oil, Gas, and Petroleum Industry

    Your operations face a unique set of risks, including single-line production vulnerabilities, high business interruption values, equipment breakdowns, and serious fire and explosion hazards. Our experts work closely with you to assess and mitigate these risks, ensuring your critical operations and supply chains remain protected

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  • Power and Renewable Energy Industry

    Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering services the power generation industry through a highly qualified specialist team of risk engineers averaging 25+ years of industry-specific risk engineering experience across the world.

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  • Pulp and Paper Industry

    Our experts in the pulp & paper industry can help identify exposures and provide consultation services to mitigate the severity of unplanned property losses and production outages.

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  • Semiconductor Industry

    Sigma7 Paragon Risk Engineering has the expertise and knowledge to assess and help mitigate the critical hazards and potential exposures applicable to the semiconductor industry, from crystal growth to front-end and back-end operations.

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Natural Catastrophe Risk Engineering Surveys and Support

As natural hazards become more frequent and severe, traditional property risk assessments may no longer cover all the exposures your facilities face. Beyond standard fire risk, your business could be vulnerable to increasing threats driven by climate change.

At Sigma7 Paragon, we understand these challenges. Our global team of experts goes beyond the basics, providing in depth, hazard-specific assessments tailored to your unique risks.

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